The Bible for the Aspiring Developer: Part A — Coffee & Group Chats
I know that I am not one-of-a-kind in my current experience, I know it for a fact since I have asked around. I also know that my current...
I know that I am not one-of-a-kind in my current experience, I know it for a fact since I have asked around. I also know that my current...
Datahack is the first data-driven hackathon in Israel, designed to bring together the Israeli data community. This year I’ll be mentoring...
After nearly 8 months of searching, I have landed and accepted a job at a fantastic company in Israel. It is quite exciting and relieving...
Tel Aviv is the capital of Startup Nation. No other city in the world can match its density of cutting edge innovators and events per...
Today pyconIL released all the videos from the pyConIL19 conference. I had the opportunity to watch, attend and speak at the conference...
In the PyData Israel workshop we recently, learned how to use RNN and CNN networks with Word embeddings to make a Named Entity...
David Abbou’s digital marketing & writing skills are as smooth as butter. He went from having an established Toronto based career in...
To get fired in Israel, you must have a “Shimua” or “שימוע” (hearing). It is a legal process which employers in Israel are obliged to...
Less than 6 weeks after closing my last company, I had 2 job offers, one of which was for my dream job. Even while weighing these two...
It’s no shocker that there is a huge shortage of programmers & software engineers working in Israeli High-tech. Senior programmers are in...